View Cart Catalog Turned Jewelry Boxes Earring Trees and Necklace Trees Earring Trees and Necklace Trees with Bowl Base Multibowl Earring Trees Wallmount Earring and Necklace Holders Ring Holders and Bracelet Holders Mirrors Wall and Mantle Clocks Desk Clocks Lazy Susans & Serving Trays Cutting Boards Rolling Pins Wine Stoppers, Push Pulls, Mortar & Pestle Custom Furniture Architectural Custom Jewelry Boxes Other Commissions |
Bracelet Holder with Bowl BaseThe six arms of this bracelet holder each are shaped to prevent bracelets from slipping off and yet be easy to access. The size and shape of this bracelet holder configuration has proven popular with my customers but you may have requirements that would call for something taller or shorter, something with more or less arms, or something with a bracelet holder incorporated with necklace and or earring holders. Feel free to contact me with special requests.
Barclay Fine Woodworking 19 South Lake Avenue • Bergen, NY 14416 (585) 494-1979 • |